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Only One Month until this year’s annual Show and Auction!

It’s hard to believe it but we’re only one month out from our Annual Tool Show and Auction in Damascus Maryland!

This year’s auction is shaping up to be the best we’ve had in a number of years.  Many consignees have submitted several very nice items and we continue to receive more!  Don’t forget the new start time for this years auction–1pm.

It seems that with the unusually cold winter and increased snow levels, several outdoor sellers are choosing to come inside to the hall. 

Due to this Winter’s grip, the INSIDE Vendor selling area continues to fill up fast.  There is still space at this point, however sellers considering the move to sell their tools inside should make table and space reservations soon.  INSIDE selling also allows those sellers early access to other inside dealers on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning before the hall opens. 

Please see the attachments below and reach out to Dave Murphy at if interested.